Presentation of the project proposal for one of the busiest sections between Marijampolė and the Polish border of Via Baltica road has been prepared
The public is invited to get acquainted with and at the same time submit proposals for the prepared reconstruction project ‘Reconstruction of the section between the kilometre 85 and 97.06 of the road A5 Kaunas – Marijampolė – Suwałki (Section IV)‘ of the section between Marijampolė and the Polish border of Via Baltica road.
Considering the situation in the country in connection with the risk of the COVID-19 virus spreading, the public meeting will be held on 17 February 2022 at 4:00 PM in the electronic Microsoft Teams space by way of live audio and video streaming. Link for login to the live stream can be found here. Information about the project to be publicized is currently publicly available on the website of Kalvarija municipality.
So far, public meetings on three sections of the road A5 Kaunas-Marijampolė–Suwałki – the section between the kilometres 72.50 and 79, the section between the kilometres 56.83 and 72.50, and the section between the kilometres 79 and 85, and project presentations, organised by Marijampolė and Kalvarija municipalities, have already taken place.
At the end of 2019, following the approval by the Government of the special plan for the reconstruction of the said section of Via Baltica road, the land expropriation procedures were started, which are currently completed, and design work is in progress. In 2022, upon completion of the design of all 4 parts, public tender procedures for work are planned to be announced and to sign contracts at the end of these tender procedures. The reconstruction of the section of Via Baltica road from Marijampolė to the Polish border is scheduled for completion by 2024.
According to Remigijus Lipkevičius, Director of the Road Administration, after completion of the reconstruction of the section of Via Baltica road from Marijampolė to the Polish border, the road will meet the international standards for infrastructure safety and traffic management. This is one of the busiest road sections in Lithuania. The average annual traffic intensity on this 40-km-long section of the road reaches up to 10 thousand cars per day, 50% of them is a freight transport.
The entire Via Baltica road, that stretches through the territory of Lithuania, is scheduled for reconstruction by 2030 to meet the traffic management and safety requirements for the core Trans-European Network (TEN-T).