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User charge (electronic vignettes)

Road users must have a valid electronic vignette before entering the tolled sections of highways A1-A18, A20 by buses (categories M2-M3) and heavy vehicles (categories N1-N3).

Electronic vignette is an electronic entry in the National Traffic Information System (hereinafter – EIS) that confirms the fact of payment of a road user charge and gives the right to drive the vehicle on tolled road sections for a specified period of time.

Form and general requirements for  electronic vignettes:

4.* An electronic entry contains information stored by EIS about:

4.1. the date of acquisition of the vignette and the date of expiry (as to the accuracy of hours and minutes).

4.2. data of the vehicle:

4.2.1. country of registration and national registration number;

4.2.2. category and class, as well as pollution emission class, when it is specified when purchasing an electronic vignette;

4.3. other electronic vignette data:

4.3.1. unique number of electronic vignette;

4.3.2. the place of sale of the electronic vignette and the transaction number of the sale of the electronic vignette.

5. There are four types of electronic vignettes: daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. An electronic vignette that is valid for a day (daily) expires after 24 hours counting from the start of the validity period of an electronic vignette; an electronic vignette that is valid for a week (weekly) expires after 7 days inclusive counting from the start of the validity period of an electronic vignette; an electronic vignette that is valid for a month (monthly) expires on the same day of the next month counting from the start of the validity period of an electronic vignette; an electronic vignette that is valid for one year (yearly) is valid for a period of 12 months counting from the start of the validity period of an electronic vignette.

6. A road user shall set up the start date and time of an electronic vignette.

Road users are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided at the time of purchasing an electronic vignette. 

*numbering corresponds to the Order Description, approved by the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Lithuania on 23.03.2007 by order No. 3-97.

The following legal acts regulate the user charge (available only in Lithuanian):

Law on Financing the Road Maintenance and Development Programme of the Republic of Lithuania

Resolution No 447 of the Government of Lithuania of 21 April 2005 On the Implementation of the Law on the Financing of the Road Maintenance and Development Programme of the Republic of Lithuania

Oder No. 3-97 of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania of 23 March 2007 “Regarding the approval of the procedure description of requirements, use, revision and transfer of electronic vignettes to another vehicle”

Road user charge (electronic vignette) distribution website:


You must purchase an electronic vignette according to your motor vehicle category, number of axles and emission level (EURO class).

If the vehicle registration certificate does not specify a category, the category is selected according to the maximum permissible mass and/or seating capacity of the vehicle.

Only the axles of the motor vehicle (without the trailer) are counted for the calculation of the road user tax rate.

If the vehicle registration certificate does not indicate an emission level (EURO class), this can be determined by:
– the country of registration of the vehicle;
– the date of first registration or the year of manufacture or the model year on the registration certificate;
– according to Table 1 or Table 2.

The chronology of the choice of the year on the registration certificate:
1. First, we look for the date of the first registration;
2. If there is no date of first registration, we look at the year of manufacture (the vehicle is considered to have been manufactured on 1 January);
3. If there is no date of first registration and no year of manufacture, we look at the model year (the vehicle is considered to have been manufactured on 1 January);
4. If the registration certificate does not indicate the emission level (EURO class) and the dates mentioned in points 1 to 3 are missing, the vehicle shall be considered to be EURO 0.

Table 1.  Vehicles, registered in a Member State of the European Union, a State of the European Economic Area or the United States of America

Emission level Date of first registration of the vehicle, year of manufacture, model year
EURO 0 Before 1993-09-30
EURO I 1993-10-01–1996-09-30
EURO II 1996-10-01–2001-09-30
EURO III 2001-10-01–2006-09-30
EURO IV 2006-10-01–2009-09-30
EURO V 2009-10-01–2013-12-30
EURO VI From 2013-12-31
EURO 0 Before 1992-12-30
EURO I 1992-12-31–1996-12-31
EURO II 1997-01-01–2000-12-31
EURO III 2001-01-01–2004-12-31
EURO IV 2005-01-01–2010-12-31
EURO V 2011-01-01–2015-08-31
EURO VI From 2015-09-01


Table 2. Vehicles, registered in a country other than those listed in Table 1

Emission level Date of first registration of the vehicle, year of manufacture, model year
EURO 0 Before 1993-09-30
EURO I 1993-10-01–1996-09-30
EURO II 1996-10-01–2001-09-30
EURO III 2001-10-01–2006-09-30
EURO IV 2006-10-01–2009-09-30
EURO V From 2009-10-01
EURO 0 Before 1992-12-30
EURO I 1992-12-31–1996-12-31
EURO II 1997-01-01–2000-12-31
EURO III 2001-01-01–2004-12-31
EURO IV 2005-01-01–2010-12-31
EURO V From 2011-01-01


If, based on other available documents, another EURO class is indicated, the validity of the choice must be proven to the controlling authority during a live or remote payment control.

Table of rates for road user charge (electronic vignettes):



M2 M2

Fee amount (in Euros)

1 year

1 month 7 days 1 day 1 year 1 month 7 days 1 day

Vehicle with

No more than three axles At least four axles
EURO 0 810 75 38 16 1305 120 60 26
EURO I 704 65 33 14 1129 104 52 23
EURO II 609 56 28 12 981 90 45 19
EURO III 530 49 25 10 849 78 39 17
EURO IV 461 43 22 9 739 68 34 15
EURO V 401 37 19 8 642 59 30 13
EURO VI 365 34 17 7 584 54 27 12


M3 M3
Fee amount (in Euros)
1 year 1 month 7 days 1 day 1 year 1 month 7 days 1 day
Vehicle with No more than three axles At least four axles
EURO 0 1466 139 70 29 2360 224 112 51
EURO I 1274 121 61 26 2043 193 96 45
EURO II 1102 104 53 22 1774 168 84 38
EURO III 959 91 46 19 1536 146 72 34
EURO IV 834 79 40 16 1336 127 63 29
EURO V 726 69 35 14 1161 110 55 25
EURO VI 660 62 31 13 1056 100 50 23
Goods vehicles N1 N1
Fee amount (in Euros)
1 year 1 month 7 days 1 day 1 year 1 month 7 days 1 day
Vehicle with No more than three axles At least four axles
EURO 0 810 75 38 16 1305 120 60 26
EURO I 704 65 33 14 1129 104 52 23
EURO II 609 56 28 12 981 90 45 19
EURO III 530 49 25 10 849 78 39 17
EURO IV 461 43 22 9 739 68 34 15
EURO V 401 37 19 8 642 59 30 13
EURO VI 365 34 17 7 584 54 27 12
Goods vehicles N2 N2
Fee amount (in Euros)
1 year 1 month 7 days 1 day 1 year 1 month 7 days 1 day
Vehicle with No more than three axles At least four axles
EURO 0 1382 137 67 29 3053 305 153 51
EURO I 1201 120 59 26 2643 264 132 45
EURO II 1039 103 51 22 2295 229 115 38
EURO III 904 90 44 19 1987 198 99 34
EURO IV 834 79 40 16 1447 137 69 29
EURO V 726 69 35 14 1258 119 59 25
EURO VI 660 62 31 13 1144 108 54 23
Goods vehicles N3 N3
Fee amount (in Euros)
1 year 1 month 7 days 1 day 1 year 1 month 7 days 1 day
Vehicle with No more than three axles At least four axles
EURO 0 1801 179 91 29 3053 305 153 51
EURO I 1566 157 79 26 2643 264 132 45
EURO II 1355 135 68 22 2295 229 115 38
EURO III 1178 118 60 19 1987 198 99 34
EURO IV 1047 105 52 16 1677 175 86 29
EURO V 911 91 46 14 1457 152 75 25
EURO VI 828 83 41 13 1325 138 68 23

User charge shall be paid for using the following roads of the highest category (main roads)  A1-A18, A20:

  • A1 Vilnius–Kaunas–Klaipėda (10.00–91.00 km; 103.00–304.00 km);
  • A2 Vilnius–Panevėžys (12.00–132.55 km);
  • A3 Vilnius–Minsk (6.65–32.91 km);
  • A4 Vilnius–Varėna–Grodno (15.57–133.91 km);
  • A5 Kaunas–Marijampolė–Suwalki (7.60–96.74 km);
  • A6 Kaunas–Zarasai–Daugavpils (5.95–66.80; 72.44–185.24 km);
  • A7 Marijampolė–Kybartai–Kaliningrad (2.50–41.92 km);
  • A8 Panevėžys–Aristava–Sitkūnai (7.50–87.86 km);
  • A9 Panevėžys–Šiauliai (5.00–75.29 km);
  • A10 Panevėžys–Pasvalys–Riga (4.57–66.10 km);
  • A11 Šiauliai–Palanga (2.65–146.52 km);
  • A12 Riga–Šiauliai–Tauragė–Kaliningrad (0–49,74 km; 59,49–151,82 km; 155,80–185,97 km);
  • A13 Klaipėda–Liepaja (11.00–43.83 km);
  • A14 Vilnius–Utena (10.66–95.66 km);
  • A15 Vilnius–Lida (10.78–48.83 km);
  • A16 Vilnius–Prienai–Marijampolė (15.56–135.42 km);
  • A17 Panevėžys bypass (0–22.24 km);
  • A18 Šiauliai bypass (0–17.13 km).
  • A20 Ukmergė bypass (0,02–7,64 km).

Map of toll roads

This sign (No 840), specified in Annex 1 to the Road Traffic Regulations, approved by Resolution No 1950 of the Government of the Lithuanian Republic, mounted with the road number, marks the beginning of the toll road, for which bus or heavy vehicle‘s owners or holders shall pay the road user‘s charge.

Electronic vignettes are available at authentic or virtual distribution points and at the website www.keliumokestis.lt designed for vignette distribution.

Vehicle owners or users (drivers) can pay a vehicle user charge and purchase an electronic vignette(-s) in the petrol stations as well as at the border crossing points of the Republic of Lithuania and in other places marked with special signs.

Information sign marking electronic vignette selling points:

The addresses of electronic vignette selling points

Map of electronic vignette distribution locations

An electronic vignette is invalid and the payment of a vehicle user charge shall be considered not to have been made if:

  1. The electronic vignette is used for a motor vehicle of another category, number of axles or emission level, except in cases where the user charge paid is the same as required or higher.
  2. Incorrect data is entered.

Road users are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided and entered when purchasing an electronic vignette. The responsibility for using an incorrect electronic vignette rests with the road user.

In case any of the requirements above is not met during the inspection of the vehicle, the sanctions provided for by the Code of Administrative Law Violation of the Republic of Lithuania shall be imposed upon the owners and/or users (drivers) of the vehicle.

Important information

Amendment, replacement of electronic vignettes and money refund

It is possible to correct, transfer or refund for the electronic vignette in the cases listed below, by submitting a request and other necessary documents (all in one letter) in the „Submit a request“ section of the website www.keliumokestis.lt or by e-mail address .

13.* Electronic vignettes (daily, weekly, monthly and yearly) can be adjusted:

13.1. by changing the sign of the vehicle’s state registration number;

13.2. in case of a mistake when entering the state registration number of the vehicle or the country of registration; in this case, the electronic vignette can be changed only once for the entire period of its validity, and the erroneous data of the electronic vignette is changed retroactively;

13.3. after purchasing a cheaper electronic vignette that corresponds to the wrong category or the wrong pollution class, the vignette information is corrected when the road user transfers the missing amount to the AB “Via Lietuva” account no. LT38 7300 0100 0169 8133.

14. Electronic vignettes (weekly, monthly and yearly) can be transferred to other vehicles:

14.1. when the vehicle for which the electronic vignette was purchased breaks down or is damaged during a traffic accident, natural disaster, or fire and will not be repaired during the validity period of the vignette;

14.2. due to the theft of a vehicle for which an electronic vignette was purchased;

14.3. after selling a vehicle for which an electronic vignette was purchased.

15.In order to clarify the electronic vignette or transfer it to another vehicle, road users in the „Submit a request“ section of the website www.keliumokestis.lt or by e-mail to the Road Administration by mail  must submit the application and the following documents:

15.1. In the case provided for in clause 13.1 of the Description:

15.1.1. a copy of the document certifying the loss or change of the vehicle’s state registration number plate;

15.1.2. a copy of the vehicle’s new registration certificate;

15.1.3. a copy of the document confirming the purchase of the electronic vignette;

15.2. In the case provided for in clause 13.2 of the Description:

15.2.1. a copy of the document confirming the purchase of the electronic vignette;

15.2.2. a copy of the registration certificate of the vehicle for which the electronic vignette is to be purchased;

15.3. In the case provided for in clause 13.3 of the Description:

15.3.1. a copy of the order, the purpose of payment of which is the state registration number of the vehicle;

15.3.2. a copy of the registration certificate of the vehicle for which the electronic vignette was purchased;

15.3.3. a copy of the document confirming the purchase of the electronic vignette;

15.4. In the case provided for in clause 14.1 of the Description:

15.4.1. copies of documents proving that the vehicle for which the electronic vignette was purchased is broken or damaged in the event of a traffic accident, natural disaster or fire;

15.4.2. a copy of the registration certificate of the vehicle for which the electronic vignette is requested to be transferred;

15.4.3. a copy of the document confirming the purchase of the electronic vignette;

15.5. In the case provided for in clause 14.2 of the Description:

15.5.1. a copy of the document confirming the purchase of the electronic vignette;

15.5.2. a document issued by the insurance company or the police about the investigation of the incident in which the vehicle for which the electronic vignette was purchased was damaged;

15.5.3. a copy of the vehicle registration certificate, if it was not lost during the incident;

15.5.4. a copy of the registration certificate of the vehicle for which the electronic vignette is requested to be transferred;

15.6. In the case provided for in clause 14.3 of the description:

15.6.1. a copy of the vehicle purchase and sale agreement;

15.6.2. a copy of the registration certificate of the vehicle for which the electronic vignette was purchased;

15.6.3. a copy of the registration certificate of the vehicle for which the electronic vignette is requested to be transferred;

15.6.4. a copy of the document confirming the purchase of the electronic vignette.

16. The validity period of electronic vignettes revised or transferred to another vehicle is not extended.

17. Electronic vignettes are revised or transferred to another vehicle during their validity period.

18. If a road user mistakenly purchases an electronic vignette for a vehicle for which the road user fee has already been paid, the time of entry into force of the second and all subsequently purchased vignettes may be adjusted taking into account the time specified in the road user’s request.

19. In the case specified in point 18 of the Description, road users in the „Submit a request“ section of the website www.keliumokestis.lt or by mail must submit a request specifying the exact time (date and hour) when the electronic vignette must take effect, and the following documents:

19.1. copies of documents confirming the purchase of electronic vignettes;

19.2. a copy of the vehicle registration certificate.

20. The time of entry into force of the electronic vignette and the state registration number of the vehicle may be changed only after the electronic vignette has not entered into force.

21. Electronic vignettes are corrected and transferred to another vehicle free of charge within 3 working days of submitting the documents. The responsible employee of the AB “Via Lietuva”, who has examined the road user’s application regarding the correction, transfer or change of information of the electronic vignette and the received documents, informs the road user about the decision by the specified e-mail.


22. The paid road user fee can be refunded only for electronic vignettes for the year, when the vehicle is deregistered from the vehicle register (after selling the vehicle, getting into a traffic accident, irreparably damaging the vehicle or for other reasons).

23. Pursuant to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on 21 April 2005 by resolution No. 447, approved Procedure Description, the refundable amount of the road user tax is calculated at the request of the vehicle operator and the overpaid road user tax is returned to the vehicle operator within 30 calendar days be the AB “Via Lietuva”.

24. Vehicle manager to the AB “Via Lietuva” in the „Submit a request“ section of the website www.keliumokestis.lt or by e-mail , submit a request to return the remaining unused part of the road user fee, in which he specifies the details and the number of the account to which the funds must be transferred, and the following documents:

24.1. a copy of the vehicle registration certificate;

24.2. a copy of the document confirming the purchase of the electronic vignette;

24.3. a document confirming the fact of deregistration of the vehicle from the register of road vehicles.

25. When the road user tax paid is the same as that required for that category of vehicle or higher, the road user tax is considered paid and compensation is not provided in this case.

26. An electronic vignette purchased at a physical point of distribution of electronic vignettes can be corrected or canceled and the full amount of the value of the electronic vignette is returned to the vehicle owner within 1 hour of the purchase of the electronic vignette only at the same physical point of distribution of electronic vignettes.

*numbering corresponds to the Order Description, approved by the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Lithuania on 23.03.2007 by order No. 3-97.

Administrative Misdemeanour Code of the Lithuanian Republic, Article 463. Failure to pay the vehicle owner‘s or user‘s charge for the use of roads

Failure to pay the vehicle owner‘s or user‘s charge for the use of state significance toll roads imposes a fine between 700 (seven hundred) and 1000 (one thousand) Euro for drivers or vehicle owners/operators, whether natural persons or managers of legal persons.