
“Via Lietuva”: reconstruction works on the Via Baltica near the Polish border will start soon

Last week “Via Lietuva” signed a contract for the reconstruction of the last section of the Via Baltica from Marijampolė to the Polish border. Intensive modernisation works on this section of the road are expected to start in early June and to be completed in the second half of next year. In terms of the amount of new infrastructure to be built and the speed of construction, this road modernisation project is the largest road construction project in the country throughout Lithuania’s independence.


“Via Lietuva” launches this year’s military mobility projects: large-scale works planned around key military training areas

In the context of the geopolitical situation, strengthening military mobility connections remains one of Europe’s priority objectives. This year, in order to ensure the smooth movement of military equipment in the country, “Via Lietuva” is going to invest almost EUR 140 million from the Government’s temporary solidarity contribution appropriations of banks in dual-purpose projects.


Road Administration officially changes its name and unveils new corporate strategy

The Lithuanian Road Administration officially becomes “Via Lietuva” and presents its updated strategic plan for 2024-2027. Over the next three years, “Via Lietuva” will focus on improving the quality and safety of the country’s road infrastructure, developing a sustainable financing model, and digitalising internal processes.


Safer and More Convenient Access Road to the Hill of Crosses

SE Lithuanian Road Administration has completed the implementation of the reconstruction project of regional road No 4033 leading to a tourist attraction place the Hill of Crosses. Under the project, a section from km 0.018 to 1.230 of access road from road Riga-Tauragė-Kaliningrad was reconstructed and a pedestrian and bicycle lane was constructed.


Variable Message Signs to Inform About Changes on Highly-Trafficked Via Baltica

Next year, 25 variable message signs (later – VMS) will be installed on state significance main road A5 Kaunas–Marijampolė–Suwałki. VMS is an indispensable part of the speed control and warning system, which consists of weather sensors registering road pavement condition, temperature, wind strength and other parametres as well as devices of


The Campaign Traffic Safety Stops Has Come to an End: Well-attended 102 Stops

The campaign Trafic Safety Stops organized by SE Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) has come to an end. The four-week-long campaign was held in 102 Lithuanian towns, villages and other population centres.


The Road Administration to Become a Joint-Stock Company in a Year and a Half

On Wednesday, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the recommendation of the Ministry of Transport and Communications to reorganise SE Lithuanian Road Administration (LRA) from a state enterprise into a joint-stock company. Such reorganisation is expected to increase the efficiency of the company‘s operations, speed up project implementation and enable


An Average Young Road Victim and Advice For Road Users Before the Start of the School Year

Before the coming autumn, SE Lithuanian Road Adminstration reminds all road users not only about the changing weather and traffic conditions but about the increasing traffic volumes on the roads of the country.


Driving On a Foggy Carriageway Is Dangerous

SE Lithuanian Road Administration warns that oncoming autumn and rapidly changing weather conditions bring about fog in the morning and at night. When the fog falls on the roads, traffic conditions may become extremely dangerous.


Lithuania Will Chair the Baltic Road Association Until 2025

During the 30th Baltic Road Conference held in Riga this week, SE Lithuanian Road Administration has taken over the chairmanship of the Baltic Road Association from the State-Owned Limited Liability Company Latvian State Roads (Latvijas Valsts ceļi).


The Cathedral Square in Vilnius Will Host All Family Traffic Safety Event

On Saturday 21 August SE Lithuanian Road Administration invites to attend the annual traffic safety event Be Careful on the Road. The event will be held on the Cathedral Square of Vilnius from 12:00 until 16:00 and all family members are invited to take part in it.


Campaign Traffic Safety Stops: Our Safety on the Roads

The campaign Traffic Safety Stops organized by SE Lithuanian Road Adminstration (later – the Road Administration) starts its journey to the Lithuanian cities and towns. On 2 August– 3 September, 102 traffic safety stops will be opened where traffic safety specialists from the Road Adminstration will consult visitors on traffic safety issues.