
Eventually, No ≤ 5 Metre-Wide National Roads In Lithuania

SE Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) starts the reconstruction of state significance roads, the width of which is less than 5 metres. According to the priority list of National Roads Noncompliant with the Road Category (road pavement width ≤ 5 m) (later – the priority list), the total length of such roads makes up ca 198 km.


Winners of Amateur Road Safety Awareness Contest Announced

The winners of the amateur road safety awareness contest organized by SE Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) have been announced.


Public Procurement Tender on Reconstruction Project Preparation of Shared Use Path in Neringa

SE Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) has invited public procurement tender to design a shared use path Smiltynė–Nida (ca 35 km). It is planned that in 2022 upon completion of design works, a tender to perform construction works will be invited.


Heat Affects Not Only People But Roads Too

Due to long waves of heat flushed bitumen, sometimes called bleeding asphalt, may occur on some Lithuanian road sections. Therefore, SE Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) kindly invites drivers to be more careful and tolerant. It should be pointed out that these road sections are immediately repaired; thus,  no restrictions have been applied on them.


Reconstruction of Main Road A1 Section Vilnius-Kaunas into Motorway To Be Completed by the End of 2021

A1 road Vilnius–Kaunas–Klaipėda section from km 18.1 to km 95 will be classified as motorway when all undergoing and approved works are completed. On separate A1 road Vilnius–Kaunas–Klaipėda sections reconstruction works have already been completed; however, the whole project will be implemented by the end of this …


Implementation of the Lithuanian and Latvian Joint Project Easycrossing Completed

The Latvian and Lithuanian Joint Project ‘Improvement of Cross Border Road Infrastructure for Well- connected Regional Centers and Facilitated Labor Mobility in the Border Areas’ (later – the Project) has been completed.


The Road Administration Warns: Roadside Selling of Goods Endangers Traffic Safety

State Enterprise Lithuanian Road Administration together with the Lithuanian Police pays attention to illegal and dangerous selling of various goods from forests, gardens and farms on the roadside.


Issuing Permits to Close Roads or to Restrict Traffic on State Road Network

SE Lithuanian Road Administration reminds that when a company intends to perform works (road repair, reconstruction, construction of engineering networks) or to organize an event (film shooting, sports competition, fair, campaign, etc.) on state significance road network, it shall apply to the owner of the road, i.e. the Road Administration, for a …


Priority List of Rest and Car Parking Areas To Be Equipped With Sanitary Facilities

The Lithuanian Road Administration has compiled a priority list of rest and car parking areas to be equipped with sanitary facilities (later – the priority list).


Warning on Driving Conditions on Road A14 Vilnius–Utena

SE Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) informs that due to extremely high temperatures, concrete road slabs on some main A14 Vilnius–Utena road sections have deformed.


The Campaign Be Safe, Careful and Healthy Attended by More Than 500 Visitors

SE Lithuanian Road Adminstration (later – the Road Administration) together with its partners has organized traffic safety campaign Be Safe, Careful and Healthy, which had more than 500 attendees.


Outdoor Advertising on the Roadside

Outdoor advertising near state significance roads may be installed outside the road protection zone. To install advertising outside the road protection zone, permits should be coordinated with land owners. SE Lithuanian Road Adminstration (later – the Road Administration) does not issue permits for outdoor advertising of this type.