
Properly Maintained Bicycles and Worn Bright-Coloured Safety Vests Make Riding Safer

Having analyzed traffic statistics in 2018–2020, the Road Administration has updated a picture of an average statistical bicyclist fatality (later – bicylist fatality). It is a 60–70-year-old man, who dies when riding on a suburban road in autumn or summer on Friday or Monday between 18.00 and 21.00.


The Season of Motorcycle Riding Has Started: Will Lessons Be Taken from the Mistakes of Others

SE Lithuanian Road Administration has analyzed the data of 2020 traffic accidents with motorcycle fatalites. This enabled to create a picture of a typical motorcyclist fatality: a 21–30 year old man who died in a car accident when riding on a state significance regional road in spring or summer between 15.00 PM and 18.00 PM.


Part of Services to be Moved to Cyberspace

SE Lithuanian Road Administration is moving part of its services to electronic space.


Preparations Made for the New Vilnius–Utena Road Reconstruction Stage
SE Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) invites service providers to take part in the market consultation on the reconstruction of state main road A14 Vilnius–Utena section from km  21.50 to km 39.20.


Increasing Heavy Goods Vehicles Flows on the Main and Regional Roads, Yet Decreasing Traffic Volumes on the State Road Network in 2020
Compared to 2019, general traffic flows decreased by 8.6 per cent on the state significance main roads in 2020. However, traffic volumes of road trains, i. e. towing vehicles coupled with trailers or semi-trailers (loading >12 t), (later – towing vehicles), increased by 2.6 …


Speeding up the Implementation of A1 Road and Via Baltica Projects
On 15 March the so-called technological break has come to end, which means an official start of road construction works under favourable weather conditions. This year, it is planned to complete a number of ongoing works on road A1 Vilnius–Kaunas–Klaipėda and to start the implementation of other significant road development and maintenance projects.


Spring Thaw Period May Correct Your Travel Route

Due to spring thaw, some roads cannot withstand heavy vehicle loads and seasonal load restrictions are put into effect on some Lithuanian state significance regional and national road sections. However, these restrictions do not apply to cars on the mentioned roads.


Pedestrian Fatality Statistics: Aging Population not Wearing Reflective Gear

Having analyzed road accidents and generalized statistical data, SE Lithuanian Road Administration has refreshed the portrait of a pedestrian fatality on Lithuanian state significance roads: a 61-year-old  male not wearing reflective gear or accessories walking along unlit exurban road on autumn or winter Friday night between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.


Training for Contractors – Paper Construction Journal is Replaced by e-Journal

More than three hundred technical supervision, road construction and design companies having signed contracts with SE Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) have attended a training course on how to use an electronic construction works’ journal (later – E-journal).


Winter Driving: Check Your Vehicle‘s Technical Condition

Changing winter weather conditions, more snow and low temperature urge drivers to be more careful on the road, to take safe rather than maximum permitted speed and to keep a longer than usual safe distance.


Information on Traffic Conditions at eismoinfo.lt 24/7

As winter weather has come, road users shall observe the changing traffic and road conditions. Due to the ongoing lockdown it is recommended to avoid unnecessary travel; however, in case of urgent need road users shall behave mindfully on the road.


70 New Generation Speed Cameras Installed on State Roads

Seventy instant speed cameras (ISC) installed on the Lithuanian state significance road network register the speed of vehicles driving in both directions, the validity of vehicle‘s technical inspection, civil liability insurance and road user charge payment.