
Winter Driving: Check Your Vehicle‘s Technical Condition

Changing winter weather conditions, more snow and low temperature urge drivers to be more careful on the road, to take safe rather than maximum permitted speed and to keep a longer than usual safe distance.


Information on Traffic Conditions at eismoinfo.lt 24/7

As winter weather has come, road users shall observe the changing traffic and road conditions. Due to the ongoing lockdown it is recommended to avoid unnecessary travel; however, in case of urgent need road users shall behave mindfully on the road.


70 New Generation Speed Cameras Installed on State Roads

Seventy instant speed cameras (ISC) installed on the Lithuanian state significance road network register the speed of vehicles driving in both directions, the validity of vehicle‘s technical inspection, civil liability insurance and road user charge payment.


Another Step Made Towards Via Baltica Reconstruction from Marijampolė to the Polish Border

State Enterprise Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) has signed the Contract on the last, fourth road section, of implementing the project “The Preparation of Technical Design and Project Implementation Supervision of Main Road A5 Kaunas–Marijampolė–Suwałki section from 56.83 to 97.06 km”.


Priority List of Pedestrian and Bicycle Pathways in Built-up Areas Publicized

New pedestrian and bicycle pathways at the state significance roads in built-up areas will be paved according to the priority list.


Fastened Seat Belt May Save Your Life

SE Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) reminds that a safety belt is one of the easiest and simplest methods to avoid injuries in case of a traffic accident. They are simple to use, moreover, available in every car.


Drawings to Draw Attention to Traffic Safety Issues

Six bus stop shelters have been decorated with traffic safety related drawings in various Lithuanian districts. The colours and message of the drawings aims to focus the attention of road users to traffic safety issues and to encourage them to behave responsibly on the streets and roads.


Cooperation Between the Road Administration and the Road Police

On 4 December 2020 SE Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) organized training for Lithuanian Road Police officers involved in traffic organization.


Validity of Annual E-Vignettes May Be Suspended During Lockdown

Road users who are not going to use toll roads during the lockdown, may suspend the validity of their annual electronic vignettes (later – e-vignettes). The decision has been taken by the resolution of the Emergency Operations Centre at the Ministry of Transport and Communications.


The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims on November 15

On Sunday November 15, the campaign NEUŽGESK (Keep Sparking) is held to remember the road victims. The campaign aims to draw the road users‘ attention to their responsible behaviour on the road and obeying Road Traffic Regulations in order to avoid meaningless victims.


Campaign NEUŽGESK: Statistics Gives Hope and Makes One Think

On Sunday November 15, road accident victims will be remembered all over the world. In Lithuania this day will be highlighted by the logo of the campaign NEUŽGESK (Keep Sparking).


E-Journal Replaces Paper Construction Works‘ Journal

Since November 2020 SE Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) has introduced the electronic construction works‘ journal to register newly signed contract works. It will  replace paper journals that were used to register construction works.