
9.7 Million Euros Allocated for State Road Repair

The Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications has been allocated 9.7 million Euros for the repair of six state significance road sections.


Road users who fail to pay a road user charge are automatically filed in the Register of Administrative Offences

It shall be noted that since last week information about carriers who have failed to pay a road user charge, i.e. do not carry a valid e-vignette, has been automatically sent to the Register of Administrative Offences (RAO).


Infrastructure Upgrading Works Underway on the Lithuanian-Latvian Border at Ezere Parish

On 21 May 2020, a public procurement contract with the company Eurovia Lietuva on the project preparation, supervision and implementation of the state significance national road No 163 Ezere–Mažeikiai section from 6.890 to 9.188 km came into force.


Validity of E-vignettes Suspended During Quarantine will be Extended

The Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications (later – the Road Administration) informs that those road users who are not going to use toll roads, may suspend the validity of the purchased annual electronic vignettes (later – e-vignette) during quarantine period.


Road Users May Suspend the Validity of Their Annual E-vignettes During Quarantine

The Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications (later – the Road Administration) informs that those road users who are not going to use toll roads, may suspend the validity of the purchased annual electronic vignettes (later – e-vignette) during quarantine period.


Information on the Work Organization of the Road Administration During Quarantine

Pursuant to the Decision made by the Lithuanian Government to declare quarantine on the entire territory of the Republic of Lithuania from 16 March 2020, 00:00, the Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications (later – the Road Administration) informs that it organises its work and provides customer services …


Restrictions Imposed on Border Crossing along the Lithuanian State Roads

Having declared quarantine on the entire territory of the Republic of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Government has imposed restrictions on border crossing along state significance roads.


Distance-based E-tolling System: More Socially Fair and Proportional Charge

During 2020 the total amount of e-vignettes sold made up 49.43 million EUR (in 2019, 48.69 million EUR). The collected funds are allocated for road maintenance and development; however, only part of the income are allocated for the maintenance and development of toll main roads.


SE Lithuanian Road Administration Became a Member of Energy Efficiency Club

State Enterprise Lithuanian Road Administration (later – the Road Administration) has been awarded a certificate for energy savings by the company ESO (Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius AB) and has become a member of the Energy Efficiency Club.


Modernization of State Significance Road Lighting until 2022

The Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications  (hereinafter – the Road Administration) has started the modernization of the state road network lighting by signing contracts on the replacement of the outdated lighting by LED lighting on state roads.


Construction of the Bridge Across the River Neris Started

The Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications (hereafter – the Road Administration) has been informed by the contractor that the bridge acros the river Neris had been already started on road A1 Vilnius–Kaunas–Klaipėda. The bridge falls into the territory of the European ecological network Natura 2000, which sets special requirements …


The Road Administration Saves Up 3.8 Million Euros of Budgetary Funds By Dispensing Entirely with Intermediation

In 2019, the Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications (hereafter – the Road Administration) managed to save up 3.8 million euros by taking over the administration of e-vignette distribution (hereafter – e-vignette). In 2019, distribution of e-vignettes cost 0.3 …